Lecture 8: Matchings via Algebraic Techniques

14 Sep 2018

Today we saw how to use the notion of polynomial identity testing and the Tutte and Edmonds matrices to find matchings in graphs. Towards the end we talked about the red-blue matchings problem, but we did not connect all the pieces, so let us recap the first part and finish the second, answering some questions along the way.

Polynomial Identity Testing

In this problem we are given a polynomial $P(x_1, x_2, \ldots, x_n)$ over some field $\mathbb{F}$, and we want to test if it is identically zero or not. (For the rest of this post I will just write $P(\mathbf{x})$, where $\mathbf{x} \in \mathbb{F}^n$.) If $P$ were written out explicitly as a list of monomials and their coefficients, this would not be a problem, since we could just check that all the coefficients are zero. But if $P$ is represented implicitly, say as a determinant, then things get more tricky.

The algorithm we saw, based on the Schwartz-Zippel lemma, says the following: suppose we are given $P$ via a value oracle. This oracle is some black-box that given some value $\mathbf{a} \in \mathbb{F}^n$, evaluates $P(\mathbf{a})$ in constant time. Then we can decide whether $P$ is identically zero or not, and be correct with probability at least $1 - d/|S|$, where $d$ is the degree of $P$, and $S \subseteq \mathbb{F}$ is the size of the set we choose to pick from. Even if $\mathbb{F}$ is infinite, the case of finite $S$ makes sense, because we are probably working with finite precision arithmetic operations anyways.

A big question is whether polynomial identity testing (PIT) can be derandomized. We don’t know deterministic algorithms that given $P$ can decide whether $P$ is identically zero or not, in poly-time. How is $P$ given, for this question? Even if $P$ is given as an arithmetic circuit (a circuit whose gates are addition, subtraction and multiplication, and inputs are the variables and constants), it turns out that derandomizing PIT will result in surprising circuit lower bounds (see this paper of Kabanets and Impagliazzo). In other words, there is evidence that the problem is difficult in general.

BTW, what about derandomizing just the PIT instances that come from matchings? This can be done deterministically, and was shown by Jim Geelen, but the runtime seems to get much worse. (Or as he says, “the algorithm [is] computationally unattractive”.) For the rest of this post, let’s stick with the randomized algorithms for PIT.

PIT for Matchings

Using the Edmonds and Tutte matrices, and the fact that their determinants are identically zero if the underlying graph has no perfect matchings, we immediately get randomized (Monte Carlo) algorithms to detect whether $G$ has a perfect matching or not. There is some probability of error, but you can make $S$ large enough to make this error probability tiny. (Or you could repeat the test independently many times.)

Then, using the idea of “self-reducibility”, i.e., the idea that you can remove an edge and see if the graph still has a perfect matching or not, you can find the matching. The naive approach took $O(m)$ calls to PIT, and each call to PIT required $O(n^\omega)$ time. We then saw how binary search reduces the number of calls to $O(n \log n)$, and hence the runtime becomes $O(n^{\omega + 1} \log n)$.

We can do faster: Rabin and Vazirani showed how to reduce the time by a logarithmic factor to $O(n^{\omega + 1})$. Then a substantial improvement came via work of Mucha and Sankowski, who showed how to find the perfect matching in randomized $O(n^\omega)$ time. For the maximum matching problem, if the optimal matching size $k$ is much smaller than $n$, work of Cheung, Kwok, and Lau improves the runtime to $O(m + k^\omega)$.

The Red-Blue Matching Problem

In this problem we had a bipartite graph with edges colored red and blue, and the goal was to detect whether $G$ contained a perfect matching with exactly $k$ red edges. (For concreteness, call this a $k$-red matching.) If so, we could use the “self-reducibility” idea again to find this matching losing an additional $O(n \log n)$ factor in the runtime. The approach I was proposing was based on work of Ketan Mulmuley, Umesh Vazirani, and Vijay Vazirani.

We first saw a deterministic algorithm that worked when the graph had a unique $k$-red matching. (An odd number of such matchings would suffice.) We put down a matrix $M$ with $0$s for non-edges, $1$ for blue edges, and $y$ for red edges. Now the determinant of $M$ was a univariate polynomial (in $y$) where the coefficient of $y^k$ has the same parity as the number of $k$-red matchings. (Hence if there is a unique such matching, it is non-zero.)

Removing the Uniqueness Assumption (Easier Approach)

Here’s an approach that came up in discussions after lecture (thanks Ziye, Corwin, and others) which is better than the one I was proposing. Now set $M$ to be $0$ for non-edges, $x_{ij}$ for blue edges, and $y x_{ij}$ for red edges. The determinant of $M$ is now a polynomial in $m+1$ variables and degree at most $2n$. If you write $P(\mathbf{x},y)$ as $\sum_{i = 0}^n y^i Q_i(\mathbf{x})$, then $Q_i(\mathbf{x})$ is a multilinear degree-$n$ polynomial corresponding to $i$-red matchings. Hence $Q_i(\mathbf{x})$ is a non-zero polynomial if there is at least one such $i$-red matching. (Same argument as for the Edmonds matrix.) Now set the $\mathbf{x}$ variables randomly (say, to values $x_{ij} = a_{ij}$) from a large enough set $S$. This will result in a polynomial $R(y) = P(\mathbf{a},y)$ whose only variable is $y$. And $Q_k(\mathbf{a})$ will be non-zero with high probability, by Schwartz-Zippel. Now trying $n+1$ different values of $y$, you can interpolate this polynomial $R(y)$, and see that the coefficient of $y^k$ is non-zero.

We focused on bipartite graphs for simplicity: these ideas extend to non-bipartite graphs too, where the replacements of $x_{ij}$ by $y x_{ij}$ are done in the Tutte matrix. The only thing to do is to check that $Q_i(\mathbf{x})$ is still a non-zero polynomial if there is at least one such $i$-red matching, and for this you need to run through the standard Tutte matrix argument and see it works here too. The traditional argument for the Tutte matrix goes via the jargon of Pfaffians and whatnot, but the essential idea is very clean; see, e.g., Lemma 3.4 in Marcin Mucha’s thesis or Virginia’s notes.

The reduction from the general case to the unique case was where we used the randomization. Can we remove this use of randomness? Some (very limited) progress is reported here.

Indeed, this idea of using randomness from problems with many solutions to problems with a unique solution has been powerful in other settings: see, e.g., this paper of Les Valiant and Vijay Vazirani.

Removing the Uniqueness Assumption (More Indirect Approach)

In lecture I started explaining the approach that Mulmuley Vazirani Vazirani proposal, via the “isolation lemma”. It’s very pretty in its own right, but given the above argument, it seems overkill for now. I will say more here later, both about their approach and the isolation lemma, but that will be for another post (to come shortly).