Lecture 25 (and also Lecture 22): Method of Lagrange Multipliers

26 Oct 2018

In the lecture on interior-point methods, we encountered the method of Lagrange multipliers. We went over it quickly, so here’s a refresher and some discussion. It will be useful for tomorrow’s lecture as well, where we will solve some online optimization problems by writing a convex program, and staring at the optimality conditions for this program.

Lagrangian Duality: A Primer

Consider the constrained problem with some $m_1$ inequality constraints, and $m_2$ equality constraints:

We will mostly consider convex problems, where $f(x)$ and $g_i(x)$ are convex and $h_i(x)$ are affine functions (which means we’ll minimize a convex function over a convex set), but let’s keep things general for now. The idea behind Lagrange duality is to move the constraints into the objective function. Define the Lagrange function (or simply the Lagrangian) to be

Think of the Lagrangian multipliers (a.k.a. dual variables) $\lambda \in \mathbb{R}^{m_1}$ that correspond to the inequality constraints as being non-negative, whereas those corresponding to the equality constraints can have arbitrary sign. (Seem familiar from LP duality?) Now the Lagrange dual is defined as:

The first claim is that the dual is concave (as a function with variables $(\lambda, \mu)$), even if the original problem was not convex. Indeed, it’s a minimum of a collection of linear functions of these variables, one linear function for each $x$.

The second claim is that the dual is always a lower bound on the original problem (as long as $\lambda \geq 0$)! Indeed, take the optimal solution $x^*$ for the problem $(\star)$. Then substituting that $x^*$ into $L(\cdot)$ gives

Since $\lambda \geq 0$, we get $L(x^*,\lambda, \mu) \leq f(x^*)$. So,

Great, we have a family of lower bounds on the optimum given by the dual function $g$, so that we get a dual for each setting of $\lambda \geq 0$ and $\mu$. And $g$ is a concave function, so why not maximize it? (Remember, we usually like to minimize convex functions, and maximize concave ones, doing the other way around typically leads to hard problems.) Maximizing the dual function should give the largest lower bound! So define the dual optimization problem

Weak duality follows from the arguments above: this best lower bound is still a lower bound, so the optimum for the dual $(\star\star)$ is a lower bound on the optimum for the primal $(\star)$. For strong duality we need some extra conditions, since strong duality may not hold in the generality we’ve been operating under. If course, if the original primal problem was linear, all the above steps just reprove linear programming duality: hence the dual problem will also be linear, and also strong duality will hold.

For more general problems, even for convex problems, we need some niceness conditions to guarantee strong duality. The most commonly used ones are the Slater conditions: these say that if the primal problem is convex, and there is a strictly feasible point (i.e., $f_i(x) < 0$ for all $x$, and $h_j(x) = 0$), then strong duality holds.

The KKT Optimality Conditions

The other thing you should know about these method of Lagrange multipliers is they lead to very nice optimality conditions. For now, assume that the primal problem is convex, and that strong duality holds. Then we have particularly nice necessary and sufficient conditions for optimality. The point $x$ is optimal for $(\star)$ if and only if there exist $\lambda \geq 0$ and $\mu$ unconstrained such that (a) $x$ is primal feasible:

(b) the gradient of the Lagrangian (with respect to $x$) is zero:

and (c) the complementary slackness conditions hold:

That’s it. And then the the certificate $(\lambda, \mu)$ also form an optimal solution to the dual $(\star\star)$.

This set of conditions above are called the KKT conditions. These were initially called the Kuhn-Tucker conditions, and attributed to a conference paper of Harold Kuhn (who gave the Hungarian method for max-weight matchings) and Albert Tucker (who was later the president of the Math Association of America), but later found to have been given in the masters’ thesis of William Karush. If your problem is not convex, or if strong duality may not hold, you should check out weaker conditions under which the KKT conditions are necessary and sufficient; these you can find in standard texts like Boyd and Vanderberghe. You never know what Google may return: here’s an extremely abridged version of their book.