Lecture 28: Prophets and Secretaries

02 Nov 2018

For today’s lecture we considered the prophet inequality problem, and the secretary problem.

Many Prophets

Recall the LP we wrote for the (single item) prophet inequality problem (where the variable $y_{iv}$ is trying to capture the probability that the r.v. $X_i$ takes on value $v$, and we pick it.

The algorithm we used was: if we have not picked an item among the first $i-1$, and $X_i$ takes on value $v$ (which happens with probability $p_{i,v}$) then pick it with probability $\frac{y_{i,v}}{2p_{i,v}}$. We showed that the probability that no item is picked using this scheme was at least $1/2$ (exactly because we scaled down the probability values), and hence so every r.v. has at least a one-half chance of being seen. We then get expected value $\sum_v v\cdot p_{iv} \cdot \frac{y_{iv}}{2p_{i,v}}$ from it, which is half of what the LP got. Thus a loss of $1/4$. The lecture notes talk about how to save this loss.

Klas suggested that we don’t shade down the probabilities. I feel like we may be able to use the fact that we’re rounding an optimal LP solution to get something reasonable, but the per-item analysis we were doing in lecture will break. E.g., say $p_{iv} = 1$ for some value $v$. (I.e., everyone takes on value $v$ with probability $1$. consider the first item is picked with probability $y_{1v} = (1-\varepsilon)$ and the second with probability $y_{2v} = \varepsilon$. Now if we just use our scheme without scaling-down, we pick the second item with probability $\varepsilon^2$ (probability $\varepsilon$ of not being blocked by the first item having been chosen, and probability $\varepsilon$ from the actual rounding). That’s a problem when $\varepsilon$ is small, since then $\varepsilon^2 \ll \varepsilon$.

ALso, the lecture notes give another way of doing some adaptive scaling that loses less, and gets the factor of $2$ we wanted.

BTW, Roie asked a question about “how many samples are needed”? We assumed that we know the distribution of the r.v.s $X_i$. What if we need to learn them as well? Azar, Kleinberg and Weinberg show that if we get one sample from each $X_i$, we can still get a constant competitive algorithm, but the detailed tradeoffs between sample complexity and competitiveness are still not fully understood.


For the graphic matroid problem, we proposed the following algorithm: color the vertices red and blue with equal probability. Now for each red vertex, run the single-item secretary algorithm on the bichromatic edges hitting that vertex. (Corwin pointed out that we need to know the graph to find out how many such bichromatic edges exist, incident to each node. This is because the secretary algorithm needs to know $n$ to work correctly. Do you see a way around this? Answers on a postcard to me, please!)

The analysis is the following: the output is clearly feasible. Now consider OPT for the original instance. The random coloring means we lose a factor of $2$ of the weight (in expectation). Now consider the bichromatic edges in the remaining forest. For each node, associate with it the edge to its parent. So either the red nodes have half the weight of the forest in their parent edges, or the blue nodes do. And since we chose the coloring randomly, these are symmetric. So we’ve lost a factor of $4$. Finally, running secretary loses another factor of $e$. You can get a better algorithm losing only $2e$ this way. Can you lose only a factor of $e$ for graphic matroids? I don’t know.

The matroid secretary problem was defined by Babaioff, Immorlica and Kleinberg in this paper. The current best $O(\log \log r)$, where $r$ is the rank of the matroid, is due to Feldman, Svensson, and Zenklusen. And here’s a slightly older survey by our own Mike Dinitz; he and I had spent a bunch of time on this problem when he was at CMU.

BTW, the matroid version of the prophet inequality problem is understood by now, for general matroids: here’s a $2$-approximation due to Kleinberg and Weinberg—showing that prophets are easier than secretaries, in this setting.